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Would you rather? Teacher Summer Edition

leaving the classroom private practice teaching teacher summer break workfromanywhereallyearlong May 22, 2023
Teacher Summer


Summer break is almost here! It felt like a breath of fresh air after the end-of-year insanity. But we all know that summer break does NOT mean a summer off. I don’t know about you, but I honestly only ever really took off 2 weeks a year. The first week of summer break and the week of our family vacation. What summer break actually meant was that I got to make my own hours and work at a pace that allowed me to not feel overwhelmed while also feeling like I was “setting myself up” for a less overwhelming school year next year. And thus the cycle continued year after year after year.


But what if I told you there's an exciting alternative? Let's dive into how much time teachers typically spend on summer prep and compare it to the mere 5 hours a week it takes to kickstart your own teaching business using The Private Practice Teacher® 90 Day Jumpstart Mentor Program. Trust me, this could be a game-changer for you!


1. Traditional Summer Preparations:
We've all been there, right? The summer break turns into a whirlwind of planning, curriculum development, resource curating/creating, and professional development (all while attempting to recover, relax, and have fun). According to the National Education Association (NEA), teachers usually devote around 12 to 20 unpaid hours a week to school-related tasks during their well-deserved summer break[^1^]. It's a significant time commitment that eats into our precious downtime. Even though everyone tells us we don’t “have” to do it, when else are we supposed to do it?


2. The Private Practice Teacher® Alternative:
Now, I want you to imagine reclaiming your summers and life by creating your own teaching business. With just 5 hours a week, you can make it happen! This is exactly why I created The 90 Day Jumpstart Mentor Program the way I did. This program provides everything you need to establish, run, and market your teaching business. Say goodbye to the teacher hamster wheel and hello to more personal time for relaxation and enjoyment all year long.


So, my fellow teacher, maybe it’s time to think outside the traditional summer prep box. Instead of sacrificing so much of your break to school-related tasks, why not invest 5 hours a week in yourself and build a career that fits your life? The Private Practice Teacher® 90 Day Jumpstart Mentor Program is here to guide you every step of the way.
Imagine the freedom and fulfillment of running your own show while maintaining a better work-life balance. It's time to seize this opportunity and unlock the incredible possibilities that lie ahead with The Private Practice Teacher®.


[^1^]: National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.). Teachers’ Summer Break: How Often and How Long? Retrieved from


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